About ZoneAlarm Free
- New: Security Toolbar One-Click uninstall.
- Fixed: Added logic so that Toolbar is not installed in Internet Explorer 11.
- New: Security Toolbar One-Click uninstall.
- Fixed: Added logic so that Toolbar is not installed in Internet Explorer 11.
Title: | Avant Browser 2013 Build 120 |
Filename: | absetup.exe |
File size: | 4.24MB (4,449,864 bytes) |
Requirements: | Windows (All Versions) |
Languages: | Multiple languages |
License: | Freeware |
Date added: | December 25, 2013 |
Author: | Avant Force |
MD5 | 1491A3A916A2A1A2B7228573A44D17B9 |
With DriverMax 7.26 you can instantly check the status of your PC and the new driver updates that are available for you. Don’t waste time on searching for obscure drivers on internet or your lost discs, or suffer through bad PC performance and bugs that faulty installed drivers can cause, because DriverMax 7.26 will find them for you in seconds after you create free account and scan your PC.
As an added feature, your updated suite of drivers can be saved in a archived file on your hard drive, which can be easily reinstalled on a new installation of Windows. With a simple click of your mouse, your perfect mix of drivers will be instantly in place and ready to take full advantage from your PC hardware.
Why update my system drivers ?
In computing, a device driver or software driver is a computer program allowing higher-level computer programs to interact with a hardware device. A driver typically communicates with the device through the computer bus or communications subsystem to which the hardware connects.
What kind of drivers cand DriverMax 7.26 update ?
Windows system drivers, Motherboards, Network Adapters , Video Adapters , Digital Cameras / Camcorders , MP3 Players , USB Devices , Modems , Keyboard , Windows Vista system drivers , VOIP (Voice Over IP) Phones , CD and DVD Drives , Sound Cards , Printers , Scanners , Webcams , Hard Disks , Wireless Devices , Mouse from different manufacturers like 3Com , Adaptec , AMD , Atheros , BenQ , Brother , Cisnet , Conexant , CXT , D-Link , Genius , Hauppauge , Hp , Intel , Leadtek , Lexmark , Logitech , Maxtor , MPC , Nikon , NVidia , Olympus , Philips , RealTek , Saitek , Sapphire , Sharp , Sony Ericcson , Toshiba , Western Digital...
DriverMax 7.26 is able to display a full report of all installed drivers
This feature can be very useful when you want to analyze the differences between the driver versions installed on different machines or when talking to tech support. You can also export all your current drivers to a folder or a compressed file. When reinstalling Windows you will have all drivers in one place!
After prolonged use, every hard disk reaches point when fragmentation of its storage surface becomes real problem. Slower transfer speeds and seek times can reduce effectiveness of your work significantly, which can only be fixed with defragmentation of your data.
Paragon Partition Manager 2013 Free 2014 is an award winning disk management tool that does just that, it reliably and easy defragments your hard drives, enabling you to experience again full performance that it can provide. In addition to that, it also provides full control over hard drives and partitions. You can create, delete, merge, and move partitions to your liking.
Paragon Partition Manager 2013 Free 2014 Features:
Title: | Miranda 0.10.20 |
Filename: | miranda-im-v0.10.20-unicode.exe |
File size: | 2.82MB (2,951,914 bytes) |
System requirements: | Windows 2000 / XP / Vista / Windows7 / XP64 / Vista64 / Windows7 64 / Windows8 / Windows8 64 |
Languages: | en-US |
License: | Open Source |
Date added: | December 19, 2013 |
Product by | Miranda IM |
MD5 Checksum: | A29B4DC0F9BC348ADEEE8BA9A34C926C |
- Added Google Chrome v32 cleaning and startup management.
- Added individual cookie cleaning from Cookies screen.
- Improved Internet Explorer 11 DOMStore cleaning.
- Added Shutdown after cleaning option.
- Improved Live Monitoring notifications (CCleaner Professional only).
- Added Alcohol 52%, The Bat and Nero 14 Platinum HD cleaning.
- Improved Camfrog Video Chat, Alcohol 120%, Adobe Fireworks 6.0, Nero 12 Platinum HD Suite, Nero Video 11 and eMule cleaning.
- Minor GUI improvements.
- Minor bug fixes.
A full-featured Internet browser, Opera 18.0.1284.68 includes pop-up blocking, tabbed browsing, integrated searches, and advanced functions like Opera 18.0.1284.68's groundbreaking E-mail program, RSS Newsfeeds and IRC chat. And because we know that our users have different needs, you can customize the look and content of your Opera 18.0.1284.68 browser with a few clicks of the mouse.
Avira AntiVir Personal - FREE Antivirus is a reliable free antivirus solution, that constantly and rapidly scans your computer for malicious programs such as viruses, Trojans, backdoor programs, hoaxes, worms, dialers etc. Monitors every action executed by the user or the operating system and reacts promptly when a malicious program is detected.
Picasa 3.9 Build 137.69 is software that helps you instantly find, edit and share all the pictures on your PC. Every time you open Picasa 3.9 Build 137.69, it automatically locates all your pictures (even ones you forgot you had) and sorts them into visual albums organized by date with folder names you will recognize. You can drag and drop to arrange your albums and make labels to create new groups. Picasa 3.9 Build 137.69 makes sure your pictures are always organized.
Picasa 3.9 Build 137.69 also makes advanced editing simple by putting one-click fixes and powerful effects at your fingertips. And Picasa 3.9 Build 137.69 makes it a snap to share your pictures, you can email, print photos home, make gift CDs, instantly share your images and albums, and even post pictures on your own blog.
The latest version includes Web Albums (along with other improvements), but requires that you request an account from Google.
Windows 7 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 / Windows 8 64
Size / LIC:
5.55 MB / Freeware
Product by / product:
What's new in this version:
- Change log not available for this version
PicPick 3.2.9 is freeware all-in-one image capture software that includes wide variety of features for software developers, graphic designers and home users. This program provides full-featured screen capture tool, easy image editor, color manipulation options (such as color picker, palette chooser), editing tools (pixel ruler, protector, crosshair) and even whiteboard. All of these features are present inside of a small and very quickly loading program. PicPick 3.2.9 is available in two packages.
Freeware version is available for personal use, and can be used free of charge with all of its functions. However, commercial users are obliged to pay license.
PicPick 3.2.9 Features:
Screen Capture
Auto-scroll, dual monitors and sound effect are supported. Various output to File, Printer, Office programs, External program. Screen Capture Full Screen, Active Window, Window Control, Scrolling Window, Region, Fixed Region and FreeHand.
Image Editor
Intuitive User Interface and Windows 7 Ribbon style.
Color Picker and Color Palette
Various color code type (RGB, HTML, C++, Delphi). Photoshop style RGB/HSV conversion is supported.
Screen Pixel Ruler and Magnifier
You don't have to install any other screen ruler and magnifier softwares.
Screen Protractor
Helps you find angles on screen. Pick a center, then a location, then the angle in degrees away from the first. Can be used in a variety of photography, math, and graphics applications.
Screen Crosshair
For aligning objects in graphics or design applications. For calculating relative coordinates on screen.
For giving a presentation or just drawing something on screen.
PostgreSQL 9.3.2 (32-bit) is a powerful, open source object-relational database system. It has more than 15 years of active development and a proven architecture that has earned it a strong reputation for reliability, data integrity, and correctness. It runs on all major operating systems, including Linux, UNIX (AIX, BSD, HP-UX, SGI IRIX, Mac OS X, Solaris, Tru64), and Windows.
It is fully ACID compliant, has full support for foreign keys, joins, views, triggers, and stored procedures (in multiple languages). It includes most SQL:2008 data types, including INTEGER, NUMERIC, BOOLEAN, CHAR, VARCHAR, DATE, INTERVAL, and TIMESTAMP. It also supports storage of binary large objects, including pictures, sounds, or video. It has native programming interfaces for C/C++, Java, .Net, Perl, Python, Ruby, Tcl, ODBC, among others, and exceptional documentation.
Spotflux 2.9.18 is a small and reliable application that will protect, secure and make your browsing private. By using extremely minimal interface and powerful features, this small program will surely become your favorite. Just turn it on and it will immediately start protecting your computer, which is perfect for situation when you are connecting on public Wi-Fi networks or you just want to quickly protect yourself from sites that you suspect are gathering information about you.
In addition of providing protection against online threats of all kinds, anonymous browsing, manual and automatic proxy channeling, Spotflux 2.9.18 also has built in system wide add-block protection that will work on all browsers and programs you use. This way, you will not waste bandwidth on adds even in browsers and applications that don’t have support for add-block plugins.
Spotflux 2.9.18 is small, fast, resource light, and gives everyone chance to instantly protect themselves against online threats for free!
Here`s how spotflux lets you take control of the internet:
Easy to Install & Use
Security is just a click away. Once you've installed Spotflux 2.9.18, you'll never notice it again if you don't want to. Let us take care of the headaches.
Encrypted & Secure Connection
At home, traveling, or on a public WiFi – Spotflux 2.9.18 encrypts and secures your connection, and protects your privacy while browsing.
Malware & Virus Protection
Spotflux 2.9.18 continuously scans and protects your connection from inbound threats, such as malware and viruses. So YOU can take control of the internet.
Remove Tracking Cookies
Cookies are great, but imagine them becoming invasive, taking over your kitchen or asking you where you've spent the night. Cookies just feel better in your belly.
Open & Unrestricted Access
We don't believe in limiting or blocking content. Access stays open and unrestricted while Spotflux 2.9.18 is enabled, so you can roam the web, free as a bird.
Private & Ad-Free Browsing
Experience clean, ad-free browsing without tracking or targeted advertisements. By saving bandwidth and hiding your IP-address, your location stays private.